SilentPaws's Den

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newBookmarkLockedFalling ::slowly limps in, looking for his friend..::
Revenge 3 147 by SilentPawz
Jul 8, 2002 14:32:44 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling -=Wonder hops in...=-
Wonder 6 103 by Wonder
Jun 20, 2002 10:14:36 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling *DeMentia quietly lifts the door and slinks in...*
SilentPawz 5 185 by Yin
Jun 17, 2002 20:35:10 GMT -5


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SilentPaws's Den
set in the root system of a weeping willow tree, locatednear lover's hill so SilentPawz can have peace, and there is usually no fighting near lover's hill. the entrance is set in the ground between two very large roots sticking out partway from the ground. there is a sheet of bark covering the hole, hinged onto the tree. You push it up and it reveals the entrance. The den is quite large, the roots are spread far apart. The den smells of earth and is warm. Sweet sap pours out, giving the room a cozy feeling. SilentPawz stands beside a puddle of sap, smiling. She says through her warm midnite eyes, "welcome. Mi casa es su casa."
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