Curse and Kesköö's Den

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newBookmarkLockedFalling New Puppies
Kurbiee 10 272 by Kurbiee
Apr 14, 2003 15:57:10 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Kesköö slips into her den, waiting for Curse...
Kurbiee 43 428 by GoldenWind
Mar 20, 2003 19:45:37 GMT -5


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Curse and Kesköö's Den
Off to the side of NB's pack council cave, an enormously large and old elm tree with faded gray bark sits alone. At the top of the tree are large and small mangled branches that have a spidery look to them. There is not one leaf on any of these branches and it looks as if the tree may not be living anymore. Large roots dig through the dirt around the tree as well, surfacing lightly here and there. A large portion of bark is missing from the tree base; resembling the entry ‘door’ of the den. Inside the tree, you can clearly see that it's completely hallowed out. Crisp dry grass is scattered all around the ground like a thick ‘carpeting.’ Near the back there is a small hole leading to an underground tunnel. If you follow this small tunnel, it leads to a rather roomy underground area, which is also thickly padded with dried grass. On both sides of this room are two more tunnels, leading to slightly smaller rooms. All in all, the den is rather comfortable. It also seems whoever lives here spent quite a while digging underground passages, but it seems it was worth it. This den is home to Kesköö…
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