RavenSong's Den

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newBookmarkLockedFalling -Cepheus pads into the den...-
Wonder 6 206 by Wonder
Oct 2, 2002 14:40:28 GMT -5


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RavenSong's Den
as u walk next to an outcropping, u notice a small light coming from the cave underneath it. Walking in u see a large jar sitting in a hollow in the wall. On closer inspection u can see black feathers inside: some are downy, some are broken and some look normal. Straight ahead is a door of tree bark, as u look thro the small cracks u can see a bed of more black feathers and dried grass. Backing away from the door u see to ur left a small room with hole on the top which is positioned so that the moon will shine thro it every night at midnight and the sun will do the same at noon. Underneath the hole is a book "The Book of Flight" it has a book mark on the 52nd page (the corkscrew manuver can be very useful in battle because...). then coming out of that room u see a deepend hole in the ground with another bark door on top where it seems to be the holding spot for food. Tho her den is not the biggest she does have one of the biggest hearts.
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