Crimson Falls

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newBookmarkLockedFalling ut‡ sky of crimson tears ‡
Schizophrenia 13 240 by Lunar
Oct 3, 2003 10:45:48 GMT -5


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Crimson Falls
Elves come here to replenish their health. The water is said to be magical in itself and the waterfall is said to be the most magical feature of all...who knows what wonders await? Most think the waterfall got its name from when the water ran red after a long bloody war, others say its because of the sandstone all around it which gives it a reddish tint. Anyhow, its a hard ride through and the only way to get the returned health is to call the nymph which lives at the bottom of the deep pond beneath the pool of water to the surface, and give her something sparkling. Its a two day/night ride from the palace and even longer from the closest village..However those sucessful the first time can never tempt the nymph back to the surface again
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