The Rapids

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Lunar 11 165 by Pryde
Sept 21, 2002 21:17:52 GMT -5


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The Rapids
The most beautiful part of the valley is the river that started it all. If you are one of the lucky few who where able to safely enter the deepest parts of the canyon with the aid of magic or wings, then you have come across the Rapid River. It measures about half a mile across and up to 10 feet deep in certain parts, and it goes on for the whole length of the canyon. The Rapids are the central part of the river where the fast current rushes over a formation of rocks, creating small waterfalls. Only experienced swimmers dare test their luck in these parts and all others prefer to fly above the water to keep out of harms way. The river supplies many breeds of fish, and small mammals such as prairie dogs and weasels can often be found hunting near the banks…
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